Company belonging to the Unipar Group, which has a significant presence in the real estate market and incorporation of Amazonas, HTS - Hotel and Tourism Services stands out for its pioneering spirit. Born in 1993, it was the first company specialized in hotel administration to appear in the north of Brazil.

He began his activities managing the Saint Paul Apart Service, the first apart-hotel in Amazonas. Already in 1999 demonstrates once again its boldness: it was the first company in Brazil to certify an apart-hotel with ISO-9000.

During these years the range of apart-hotels under its management was expanding: first with the advent of the Adrianópolis Apart Service (Hotel Adrianópolis) in 1993; Later with the inauguration of the Millennium Center - an enterprise incorporated by the Unipar Group and belonging to HTS - another unit under its management, the Century Apart Service (Hotel Millennium), came into operation.

The Administrator has the know-how in the management of Flats, Express and Midscale concept hotels and intends to expand its performance in these market niches more and more.


• Hotel Management and Operation; 
• Construction of Hotels; 
• Assistance in the implementation of Hotels;
• Marketing and Hotel Projects;
• Commercial and Financial Administration;
• Sales Strategy and Marketing;
• HTS Operational Standardization;
• Research and Business Viability;
• Financial Project;
• Fund-raising;


We believe that we should not reward efforts but rather focus on results, respecting and looking after investment with simplicity and humility. We are committed to our business, aiming at balance and healthy organizational climate.

1. Atender as expectativas dos clientes visando sua satisfação.
2. Proporcionar aos acionistas o retorno adequado dos seus investimentos.
3. Atender aos requisitos legais e estatutários.
4. Promover o desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal dos colaboradores.
5. Comprometimento com a melhoria contínua e eficácia do SGQ.